David Gurevich
From: Irina and Leonid Danishevsky, March 26, 2024
Надеюсь, у Вас всё ок!
Хочу сказать Вам, что Николь определилась с выбором профессии: финансы.
Она поступила в Шулик (Toronto York U.), её средний балл=93.
Физику будет оставлять, и, школьную тоже, но мы не прощаемся окончательно,
может придётся обратиться за частными уроками.
Хотим поблагодарить Вас и Аллу за Ваш вклад в математическое образование нашего ребёнка.
Спасибо большое за Ваш Труд, Терпение, Внимание, за Ваш Профессионализм!
Желаем Вам здоровья, радости и успехов в жизни, а неудачи пусть станут всего лишь нулями в Ваших планах!
Ещё раз большое спасибо за всё!
С уважением Ирина и Леонид Данишевские.
Дорогие Аркадий и Алла!
Наша дочь закончила обучение в вашей школе “Интеграл”, 11 лет вы учили, направляли, поддерживали ее в увлекательном путешествии в стране математики.
Мы с мужем хотели бы выразить вам свою признательность и огромную благодарность .
Спасибо за ваш высочайший профессионализм, терпение, доброту, креативные методы обучения, постоянную поддержку !
Мы всегда подхoдили к образованию наших дочерей с ясным пониманием, что, какую бы область деятельности они не выбрали , математическое образование просто необходимо. Математика структурирует мышление, укрепляет межнейронные связи, а это, безусловно , отражается на усвоении любого другого материала.
Поэтому мы сделали все возможное, чтобы начать математическое образование как можно раньше. Канадские школы, к сожалению , не предлагают хорошего уровня математических знаний.
Мы надеялись , что занятия в вашей школе помогут нашей дочери приобрести качественное математическое образование, и мы не ошиблись! Но мы и предположить не могли , что математику можно преподавать так креативно и ярко. Что для детей каждый урок станет праздником, решение уравнений и задач будет увлекательным путешествием ! А выведение труднейших формул будет сопровождаться счастливым смехом детей, которые вдруг увидели красоту в решении.
Наряду с этим, вы помогли детям понять , что ничего не достигается без упорного труда и самодисциплины и , что 50 % их успеха зависит от постоянных занятий и ответственного подхода. Постоянность и последовательность занятий важна при изучении любого предмета, но особенно это заметно в математике.
Профессия учителя требует высокой ответственности, сил и душевного равновесия. Вы прекрасно справляетесь с вашей задачей и уже много лет направляете детей в сложном мире математики.
Мы можем с уверенностью сказать, что без вашего участия наша дочь не достигла бы таких успехов в школе ( медаль правительства Канады за академические успехи, многочисленные награды за успеваемость по многим предметам и лидерство в разных областях) и не поступила бы на факультет Life Science U of T сo стипендией. Занятия в вашей школе помогли ей поверить в себя и обрести уверенность и из маленькой застенчивой девочки- первоклашки выросла активная и уверенная в себе девушка. Вы внесли неоценимый вклад в ее обучение , наставляя и дисциплинируя ее на протяжении всего школьного пути.
Ваша система обучения может служить прекрасным примером для многих педагогов, так как сочетает в себе великолепный академический курс , применение современных технологий в обучении и индивидуальный подход к каждому ученику.
Спасибо за ваш неоценимый ежедневный труд, который помогает нашим детям найти свое место в жизни и стать взрослыми и ответственными людьми!
С наилучшими пожеланиями
Анна и Карен
From: Lubov Teplitsky July, 12,2022
My son Yigal came to your school as a young shy elementary school boy. Today he is a very successful high school graduate with top marks in Mathematics and Physics. Thanks to your constant guidance and knowledge Yigal received at your school, he will continue mastering Mathematics and Physics at The University of Toronto at the faculty of Arts and Science.
Lubov Teplitsky.
Dear Arkady,
I’d like to express my deepest appreciation for your contribution to my daughter’s achievements in math.
I have to mention not only your expert knowledge in the subject, but your unique ability to motivate and divulge student’s hidden potential.
My daughter, Sophia Z., grade 9 student, has become not only much more successful in math at school, but has become really motivated and interested in the subject.
She is eagerly waiting for every other lesson with Arkady and likes communicating with the teacher when extra instructions are needed.
Many thanks to Arkady again.
I definitely recommend INTEGRAL SCHOOL to everyone looking for expert tutoring in math and physics.
My phone: 416-727-1445
Мы обратилась к Аркадию год назад по рекомендации наших друзей и еще раз убедились, что выбор правильного преподавателя, – одна из главных составляющих успеха. Так как сын проявлял интерес и способности к математике, искали учителя, который сможет не только хорошо обьяснять новый материал, но также давать более глубокие знания и укреплять желание изучать математику.
Что нам нравится в работе с Аркадием?
Во-первых, заинтересованность преподавателя в результате своей работы – информация излагается поэтапно (от простого к сложному), на доступном для ученика уровне. Все теоретические знания закрепляются практическими заданиями (на уроке плюс домашняя работа), что позволяет оценить уровень усвоения данной темы и проработать слабые моменты. Задания усложняются по мере накопления знаний и навыков.
Во-вторых, организованность и четкость преподавания. Все формулы, теоремы и высказывания подкреплены математическими доказательствами, что позволяет не “заучить” материал, а понять его.
Далее, благодаря знаниям в смежных областях и высокой эрудированности, Аркадий делает процесс обучения увлекательным, например, показывая взаимосвязь математичеких законов с физикой, экономикой, астрономией. Это отлично работает, когда на вопрос “а как эта тема пригодится мне в жизни”, ученик получает не только исчерпывающий и внятный ответ, но и мотивацию больше читать и открывать для себя новые области знаний.
Конечно, не все зависит от преподавателя. Во многом, на результате сказываются желание и возможности самого студента, поддержка родителей. Но, если у Вас есть цель улучшить, расширить и углубить знания по математике,– мы 100% рекомендуем начать обучение у Аркадия в математической школе “Интеграл”.
С уважением, Олеся.
Июнь, 2021
Subject: Message from Alyssa Stovichek Elharar to Alla
To: <[email protected]>
To whom it may concern,
We are grade twelve students who have been attending the school of Integral for nearly 5
years now, beginning in grade seven. We are writing this letter to thank Arkady and Alla for all
that they have done for us. They are the most professional and attentive teachers that we have
ever come across.
When we first came to the school of Integral, we had a weak base in mathematics, but
Alla helped us greatly improve the fundamental skills that were required to make a smooth
transition into high school. Once we started learning under Arkady, he inspired a newfound love
for mathematics in us that we had never had before. Unlike the teachers in school, Arkady would
always show the full proof and explain the different approaches for every problem. More
importantly, in every lesson, it was evident how dedicated and passionate he was about teaching.
Instead of simply solving a problem like in school, Arkady taught us to understand the logic
behind every step and to ask the right questions. Essentially, he helped fill in the missing puzzle
pieces of information from school. The group environment that we learned from under Arkady
was also very beneficial because it exposed us to questions we did not even think of asking.
Ultimately, we have become more confident in math, earning a 95 in Advanced functions this
Since it is only December, we have not yet received our offers to university, but we have
both applied to computer science programs. We genuinely believe this Integral school was one of
the main reasons for our success and love for math. We are very lucky to have learned from Alla
and Arkady, and we would recommend this school to all!
Thank you for everything,
Dear Mrs Alla,
When I first came to Integral in grade 4, I barely understood math. Every year I was getting better until in grade 6 I was more confident in math. Now, when we learn a new subject for example factoring, it takes me a day to understand it. In addition, when I get homework that I don’t understand, I do research so that I will be capable of doing it. You didn’t just teach me to understand math, you also taught me to be independent and to take notes. Thank you for making me the student that I am today.
Hi Arkady!
I hope you’ve been well and staying safe and happy in quarantine!
Unfortunately, we haven’t seen each other in a while, so I wasn’t able to tell you all the good news from the past few months in person. However, I wanted to keep you updated on my educational situation since you have been an enormous part of it for over 5 years.
I got accepted to every one of the programs that I applied to:
- York – Actuarial Science
- York – Computer Science
- McMaster – Mathematics and Statistics (specialization in Financial Mathematics)
- McMaster – Computer Science
- University of Toronto – Mathematics and Physical Sciences
- University of Waterloo – Computer Science + Co-Op
- University of Waterloo – Mathematics + Co-Op
I just accepted my offer to the University of Waterloo for Computer Science + Co-Op, and I just wanted to tell you the good news, and I also wanted to thank you. I’m not sure I would have been able to do this without you, nor would I have had such an interest in math and physics had I not had such a passionate teacher to spark that interest.
Thank you, and all the best,
David Gurevich
From: Arsen Zakutyan (Feb 21, 2020, 5:39 AM)
Subject: We are settling in Spain – Thank you very much for your hard work.
Dear Arkady and Alla I want to express my sincere gratitude for passionate efforts you put in advancing my kids math and physics knowledge.
Consistency of classes and presented materials created a very strong foundation for both Maris and David.
Their grades in school improved and most importantly with good foundation they improved their analytical skills.
Now in Spain they passed entrance math exams for one of the best private schools and got accepted. I am positive that they would not have such success if we had relied only on Canadian School curriculum.
Thank you very much,
Arsen Zakutyan
From: Tatyana Shcherbakova Sat, Jan 25, 10:48 AM
From: Tatyana Shcherbakova (Sat, Jan 4, 12:33 PM)
Аркадий – дорогой наш педагог и наставник!
From: Svitlana Byelkina ( Korol Family)
Уважаемый Аркадий,
Саша сейчас готовится к финальным тестам за осенний семестр, новых задач ему не дали. Мы вам очень благодарны за помощь с математикой и физикой. Саша получил хорошие оценки по этим предметам, что позволит ему подать на интересующие его университетские программы.Физика – 85; Advanced Functions – 87; Calculus – 91; средняя оценка по всем школьным предметам за семестр – 88.7.
До встречи в новом 2020 году!
С уважением, семья Королей
From: Diana Sheikhman
Hello Mr. Arkady,
I hope you remember me, even though I last attended your school 6 years ago. But I still remember how you helped me and my classmates to love math. I attended your school for 5 years, which helped me fast track my grade 11 and 12 math courses and finish high school a semester early. Additionally, with your help, I passed AP Calculus, easing my university course load (and fees). You also helped me so much more.
After leaving your school, I obtained an Honours Bachelor in Commerce, with a specialisation in Accounting, and was able to land a job in consulting right after graduating. I am almost done with my CPA, and at the time of writing this, the last step that remains is to obtain my results from the final 3-day exam that I previously wrote this year.
At the same time I sometimes work on weekends with my alma mater. I occasionally TA the weekend tutorials for higher level accounting courses for certain terms, and also mark cost accounting midterms. I do this to assist the professor who hired me as his research assistant during my studies at university.
I think, a lot of this success can be attributed to the knowledge and skills that I obtained during my studies with you. You were one of the best teachers I ever had the honour to be taught by, and I still remember you fondly. Attending your classes helped me love math and physics, and taught me the logical reasoning and thinking through that enables me to be so successful at my consulting job; and that keeps my professor asking me to come back to work for him, even after graduating. This kind of reasoning and thinking was not being taught to me at the usual public school.
Thank you very much for the 5 years of schooling that you had given me. I hope that you and your school will be able to foster the natural curiosity of many more students in the future.
Огромное вам спасибо.
Здоровья и успехов вашей школе.—————————————————————————————————————
From Sara Sugin:
My name is Sara Sugin and I’d like to tell you about my experience with Integral.
I must say, math has always been one of my favourite subjects and I always did well in class but my parents wanted to enrich my knowledge and advance me in school so in 2012 they sent 11 year old me to be a part of one of Alla Tzitrin’s classes at Integral. At the time, many of my friends had been attending extracurricular math classes, some Kumon, some Spirit of Math, so I thought nothing of it and believed I would end up learning similar things to everyone else. But Integral proved to be much more than both me and my parents expected it to be. I spent the rest of my middle school years attending Alla’s weekly classes, and once I moved to high school I became one of Arkady’s students. I continued these lessons until the summer before my grade 11 year after which we moved and my parents stopped sending me. I remember thinking “Oh I learned enough so I’ll be fine on my own”. Surely, the rest of my high school career went smoothly, but not because Alla and Arkady “advanced me enough” but because Alla and Arkady taught me how to think (I’ll get back to this in a moment). Soon I graduated, and in September of 2018 I began my studies at the University of Toronto working towards a Bachelor in Science specializing in Biological Physics through the Physiology stream with a minor in Mathematics. My program turned out to be as difficult as its name and I admit, I really struggled. I was on my own. I had to work extremely hard, spend my days at the library studying, lose sleep, and all of that only to keep up in my calculus classes. In April 2019 I reached out to Arkady and asked him for help. Since then, I have been gladly attending weekly private lessons and I cannot begin to describe how incredible the results have been.
In school and in university, we are taught how to comprehend, we are taught how to solve, and we are taught how to approach problems. Acquiring such information might be simple but retaining it is a completely different task. Arkady and Alla, first and foremost, have taught me how to think, how to process and analyze any problem put in front of me, and most importantly how to ask the RIGHT questions. Any book, any YouTube video, any person with trivial knowledge can show you the steps to solving a problem, but only someone as attentive, dedicated, and professional as Arkady and Alla can truly teach someone math. When I came to Arkady for help he did not start by showing me equations and how to use them, instead he started by deriving every equation necessary from scratch and explaining to me not how but WHY I am doing what I’m doing. I can confidently say that Integral is responsible for a great chunk of the success I have achieved to date. I have learned to use my thinking to the best of my abilities in fields unrelated to math and mastered how to ask the big questions and stay curious. Albert Einstein once said “If you can’t explain it simply you don’t understand it well enough” and it is only at Integral that you’ll find it to be as simple as it gets.
Arkady, if you would like to share my email or my phone number with anyone interested in joining Integral and wanting to hear about it from a previous student please do so. My phone number is (647)881-9852 and you can give this email.
Once again, I would like to thank you for everything you have done for me! I will keep in touch!
From Diana Segal:
To Whom It May Concern:
I am honoured to be able to share my experiences not only about the Integral Math and Physics School but also the Tzitrin family. Any and all accomplishments that I have achieved are in part due to the amazing teachers and role models that I have had throughout my life. Specifically, I would like to thank Arkady and Alla Tzitrin for teaching me math and physics from the age of six and showing me that a person’s job can also be their passion. It was their dedication and love for math and teaching that motivated me to learn and search for career that I’m passionate about. Arkady and Alla were always available for help if needed, they answered any questions I had during class, and were even available after class hours through phones calls or skype sessions. Through their math and physics classes, and support during my time in high school I have attained dean’s honours awards and successfully graduated as an Ontario scholar. In turn, I was able to pursue my interest in human behaviour and cognition through the BSc Brain and Cognition program at the University of Guelph. During my degree I have gained interest in neuroscience-based research, particularly research investigating the neurological and behavioural underpinnings of addiction. I have completed several research projects and research assistantships within the psychology, biodiversity, and biomedical sciences departments at the university. I have successfully presented formal seminar and poster presentations at conferences, completed an undergraduate psychology thesis, published in an undergraduate research journal, and graduated my honours program with distinction. Most recently, I have received the Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Academic Excellence in recognition of my work for my thesis research. The motivation and dedication that I have been shown and taught throughout my youth has played an important role in helping to achieve the goals I set for myself. Currently, I have been accepted into the Master of Arts in Psychology program at Concordia University, where I will work at the Centre of Studies in Behavioural Neurobiology. I hope to continue on to complete my PhD and eventually achieve an academic career. It is thanks to the support from my dedicated teachers that I believe I will be successful in accomplishing these goals. Therefore, I would like to once more thank the Tzitrin family for the continuous support and love that I have been so grateful to receive throughout my career.
Diana Segal
BSc Honours | University of Guelph
MA Psychology | Center of Studies in Behavioural Neurobiology |Concordia University
From Diana Segal (Russian):
Для предъявления по месту требования:
Для меня большая честь поделиться не только своим опытом общения с физико-математической школой Итеграл, но и с семьей Цитриных. Любые достижения, которых я достигла, частично связаны с удивительными учителями и образцами для подражания, которые я имела на протяжении всей своей жизни. В частности, я хотела бы поблагодарить Аркадия и Аллу Цитриных за то, что они с 6 лет научили меня математике и физике, и показали, что работа человека также может быть его страстью. Именно их преданность и любовь к математике и преподаванию побудили меня учиться и искать карьеру в области, которой я увлечена. Аркадий и Алла всегда были доступны для помощи, если это было необходимо, они отвечали на любые вопросы, которые у меня возникали во время урока, и даже были доступны после уроков по телефону или через скайп. Благодаря их занятиям по математике и физике, а также поддержке во время учебы в старшей школе я получила награды Декана и получила диплом молодого ученого в Онтарио. В свою очередь, я смогла продолжить свои исследования в области человеческого поведения и познания через программу BSc Brain and Cognition в Университете Гвельфа. Ко времени получения степени я заинтересовалась исследованиями в области неврологии, в частности исследованиями, посвященными изучению зависимости неврологических и поведенческих основ . Я выполнила несколько исследовательских проектов и научных исследований на факультетах психологии, биоразнообразия и биомедицинских наук в университете. Я успешно представила сои результаты на формальных семинарах и стендовых докладах на конференциях, защитила работу по психологии для студентов, опубликовала ее в исследовательском журнале для студентов и получила диплом с отличием. Совсем недавно я получила Высший Академический Сертификат Канадской психологической ассоциации в знак признания моей работы и исследования изложенные в диссертации. Мотивация и самоотдача, которые мне привили преподаватели на протяжении всей моей юности, сыграли важную роль в достижении целей, которые я для себя поставила. В настоящее время меня приняли в магистерскую программу по психологии в Университете Конкордия, где я буду работать в Центре исследований в области поведенческой нейробиологии. Я надеюсь продолжить свою аспирантуру и в конечном итоге добиться академической карьеры. Именно благодаря поддержке со стороны моих преданных учителей я верю, что мне удастся достичь этих целей. Поэтому я хотела бы еще раз поблагодарить семью Аркадия Цитрина за постоянную поддержку и любовь, на протяжении всей своей карьеры.
С уважением,
Диана Сигал
Бакалавр с отличием | Университет Гуэльф
Магистр психологии | Центр исследований в области поведенческой нейробиологии |
Университет Конкордия
From Tanya & Alex (David’s Parents) June, 2019
Дорогие Аркадий, Алла и Илан,
Мы очень вам благодарны за то, что вы были учителями Давида в
течение последних пяти лет.
Спасибо за ваш профессионализм, терпение и доброту.
Ваше прекрасное чувство юмора и позитивность украшали каждый
урок, который он посещал.
Мы очень ценим то, что вы дали Дэвиду знания по математике, физике,
формальной логике, английскому языку и литературе, поэтому у него
хватило сил и уверенности сделать следующий шаг к университетской
программе (программная инженерия).
Мы надеемся, что вы будете продолжать учить, вдохновлять и
оказывать большое влияние на счастливчиков, которые посещают
сейчас и будут посещать ваши занятия в будущем.
Еще раз вам всем огромное спасибо.
С уважением
Таня и Саша (родители Дэвида) Июнь, 2019
Dear Arkady, Alla and Ilan,
We are incredibly grateful that you were David’s teachers.
Thank you for your professionalism, patience and kindness throughout the
last five years.
Your great sense of humor and positivity brightened every lesson that he
We really appreciate that you gave David knowledge in Math, Physics,
Formal Logic, and English, so he had the strength and confidence to go into
Software Engineering in University.
We hope that you will continue to teach, inspire and make a big impact on
the lucky children who attend your classes now and in the future.
All of you are great teachers!
Thanks again.
Tanya & Alex (David’s Parents) June, 2019
From: Alice M.F
June 12, 2019
Last year I first started going to Alla’s math class after a recommendation from a friend. Today, I can finally say that I now like and understand math, as well as even find it interesting thanks to Alla’s teaching!
From: Dimitri
May 2018
To whom it my concern,
Our son Dmitri had few consultations with Ilan Tzitrin before his final exam in Quantum Mechanics, at his 4th year of University.
Ilan presented himself as highly qualified professional, patient teacher and kind and attentive person. He worked through the whole course pointing out difficult questions and helped our son to solve those problems that were unclear to him. After exam, he asked about the results, which was very moving.
As a result our son obtained 85%. The University professor complimented him on his progress and general intelligence.
We greatly appreciate Ilan’s help and highly recommend this young brilliant scientist as a consultant for university students of all levels.
With sincere thanks,
Svetlana and Eugene,
From Ekaterina Lenchikov:
To whom It may concern,
My name is Ekaterina Lenchikov. I’m a student at York University.
I switched from a biomedical program to an engineering program. When I got acquainted with the calculus program of the second course, I realized that this is much more complicated, and the previous skills and knowledge are not enough to successfully pass this course. When I asked Arkady for help, and he determined my level, he said that we do not have enough time, even with intensive lessons, to make this program. But I could not stop this course, because other subjects depended on this, and in this case I can lost a year. So I asked to continue intensive lessons despite the risk of failing the course
I had a lot of experience working with Arkady as a mentor. He taught me (in simple and understandable language) both fundamental concepts and more advanced. He really helped me to significantly improve my level during our classes, successfully pass all tests and final exam and finish this course with mark “A +”, which I did not even expect
Many thanks to Arkady and the Integral School for this result, for his professional approach and responsive attitude to work
Ekaterina Lenchikov
From Ekaterina Lenchikov (Russian):
Для предъявления по месту требования,
Меня зовут Екатерина Ленчикова. Я студентка Йоркского университета.
Я переключилась с биомедицинской программы на инженерную программу. Когда я познакомился с программой Calculus второго курса, я поняла, что это намного сложнее, и предыдущих навыков и знаний недостаточно, чтобы успешно пройти этот курс. Когда я попросила Аркадия помочь он определил мой уровень, и сказал, что нам не хватает времени, даже с интенсивными уроками, чтобы сделать эту программу. Но я не могла остановить этот курс, потому что другие предметы зависели от этого, и в этом случае я могла потерять год. Поэтому я попросила продолжить интенсивные уроки, несмотря на риск не пройти курс.
У меня был большой опыт работы с Аркадием в качестве наставника. Он научил меня (на простом и понятном языке) как фундаментальным понятиям, так и более продвинутым. Он действительно помог мне значительно улучшить свой уровень во время наших занятий, успешно пройти все тесты и выпускные экзамены и закончить этот курс с отметкой «A +», которую я даже не ожидала получить.
Большое спасибо Аркадию и Школе Интеграл за этот результат, за его профессиональный подход и отзывчивое отношение к работе
С уважением,
Екатерина Ленчиков
From Sasha Korol:
Dear Dr. Arkady Tzitrin,
Thank you so much for helping the Korol brothers, Dmytro (2000-2003, math and physics) and Alexander (2018-current, physics+calculus) to reach their full potential.
Dmytro has graduated from the University of Waterloo in 2012. He is currently working as an analyst at a Silicon Valley firm in San Francisco, California.
Alexander has just got 90% in his Physics grade 11 University level course.
Thank you for waking up and engaging young minds, developing creativity and analytical thinking!
Best regards,
Dmytro Korol, Alexander Korol, and their parents – Viktor and Svitlana
Дмитрий Король, Александр Король и их родители – Виктор и Светлана
August 2019
From Ella Levin:
Arkady Tzitrin is the Best Teacher Ever
Arkady Tzitrin helped me pass a very challenging Probability (P1) actuarial
exam and eased my transition into a new actuarial career.
After graduating from university with a finance background and working for
three years, I decided to change careers and get into the actuarial field.
Although I had the work ethic and determination to figure things out on my
own, some things I could not understand no matter what I did. My
knowledge from university was long-forgotten and I had gaps in my
knowledge of derivatives, integration, probability, and statistics, as my
university program only briefly touched upon these topics.
Arkady whipped my brain back into shape within a month and soon I was
able to study better and grasp new concepts quicker. He quickly identified
my needs and areas of improvement, and he started working on those areas
right away with maximum time efficiency. Within a few months, I acquired
the knowledge and skills I needed to pass the exam and passed it with ease.
Arkady is a rare breed of teacher who is truly passionate about his students’
success. He cares about his students and he tackles their problems head-on
with extraordinary persistence. He inspired and encouraged me to keep
pursuing my career goals and to never give up.
Arkady, thank you very much for your help! I will be back when I take the
advanced statistics course.Best regards,
Ella Levin, 27
Actuarial student and newly-converted math enthusiast
Older references: